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As the year 2015 is slowly coming to an end, you are invited to plan the activities of the EPR Club for 2016 during the annual EPR Club planning meeting.

The EPR Club is a multi-stakeholder platform with a participatory approach, and as such we hope that a maximum number of members will join in order to set the roadmap for 2016 together.

The following points will be discussed:
•    general strategy and main focus for the year 2016
•    financial situation of the EPR Club
•    governance: please see below
•    concrete ideas for lunch debates and/or conferences to be held in 2016

8 December 2015, 14:00 - 17:00
ACR+ offices, Avenue d'Auderghem 63, 1040 Brussels (View location)

You can register for this meeting by sending your name, organisation, position and email address back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

EPR Club rules of conduct

On the request of and with the feedback from some EPR Club members, the EPR Club Secretariat has developed rules of conduct for the EPR Club. These rules of conduct intend to give the EPR Club some more formal structure and are proposed for adoption at the planning meeting 2016. All EPR Club and ACR+ members are invited to read carefully through the document and to share potential requests for changes with the EPR Club Secretariat before 7 December 2015.

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