Warszawa 80px

ACR+ member Warsaw is already introducing a number of initiatives to address the human impact on the environment and move towards the circular economy. The first example is the creation of the #Warszawa2030 strategy in 2018. Warsaw also participates in the international project: Capital Cities - cooperation of capitals in the field of hazardous waste management.

In recent years, the Polish capital has carried out numerous educational campaigns and information activities on municipal waste management. This year, the city once again took part in the Zero Waste Fair and organised the "Eco-fixed" event. In addition to educational activities, the city makes investments to support ideas related to the circular economy. Many of these are being built as part of the Municipal Cleaning Company's activities, e.g. the Recycling and Eco-Education Centre, which is currently under construction, the extension of the incineration plant, the sorting plant and the creation of a biogas plant. Warsaw also intends to expand the PSZOK system, point of reuse of non-waste items and repair points, with new locations and functions.

Source: https://um.warszawa.pl (in Polish)


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