ACR+ participated in a conference (in Italian) hosted by the Territorial Area Assembly of Ancona (ATA2). Reuse centres, a key tool in promoting sustainable waste management, were a focal point of discussion. These centres serve as deposits where objects in good condition are made available to citizens for a second lease on life. While there are 11 such centres in the province of Ancona, the regional capital, Ancona, currently lacks one, with the nearest collection and distribution point located in San Biagio di Osimo. Estimates by ATA suggest that reuse can reduce waste production by 3%, contributing to a more sustainable approach to waste management. Different ways of operating reuse centres were compared and discussed during the conference, also thanks to a thorough mapping of those operating in Italy made by the NGO Zero Waste Italy. 

The conference not only emphasised these achievements but also showcased best practices that can be exported to encourage prevention and economically sustainable waste management models, benefitting citizens and the environment alike.

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