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On 26 June 2019, the COLLECTORS conference on Societal acceptance of waste collection was co-organised with the ACR+ member City of Warsaw. During three panels discussions, speakers agreed on the fact that the involvement of residents is achievable through a combination of instruments ensuring proper and clear information on the sorting guidelines, convenient collection modes adapted to the typology of housings, and incentives to adopt the right behaviour.
Among the panellists, ACR+ member Southern Waste Region (Ireland) presented its experience in waste electrical and electronic equipment, other examples included the visits to residents whose waste performances are low to give the opportunity to provide clear and adapted information and messages in Oslo (Norway); and the participative approach developed by the City of Bydgoszcz (Poland) to involve citizens in the organisation of waste collection and definition of the fees.
To conclude, the recycling federation EuRIC reminded the participants about the importance of harmonised standards of quality through a proper separation of materials, and the necessity for a better design of products to be more easily recyclable. As a closing word, the Deputy Mayor of the City of Warsaw highlighted the necessity to improve the resilience of European cities through the circular economy.
The different presentations are available on the COLLECTORS website.

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