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Alongside with the next DECISIVE General Assembly in Barcelona which will take place on 24 and 25 April 2018 in Barcelona, the host and ACR+ member the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC) is organising an open conference on decentralised management of urban biowaste on 26 April 2018.
The conference will take place at the Campus of Bellaterra of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The conference will feature the DECISIVE project as well as other projects on circular economy and decentralized management that are currently ongoing in Catalonia.  The adjustment of decentralized management in the current centralised planning systems will be debated in a roundtable of experts.
The full programme of the conference is available here. Registrations are open and the participation is free. The registration form can be found here.
Regarding the project’s past activies, publications and news, DECISIVE has published its third newsletter on 28 March 2018. To read the full newsletter, please follow this link. To receive all the updates about this project, subscribe to the newsletter here: http://decisive2020.


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