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Guia i experiències de referència per a la implantació de la recollida selectiva de residus municipals

This publication is in Catalan.

Guide and reference experiences for the implementation of separate collection of municipal solid waste

Extract in English: Guideline for the implementation of separate collection in the legal context of EU, Spanish and Catalan legislation. It points out aspects to consider when defining a collection model, such as local economic and demographic conditions, the economic feasibility of a new collection model and the set-up and management of the collection service. Special attention is paid to municipal biowaste from households and commerce, defining the materials admitted as biowaste in in Catalonia. Information on biowaste composition and on the evolution of separate biowaste collection is provided, as well as instructions for separation of biowaste at source.  

Different separate collection models implemented in the Catalan territory for household and commercial waste are assessed, mostly bring bank systems and door-to-door collection. The information is referenced by local experiences on technical set-up and and associated taxes. As an alternative to separate collection the treatment of biowaste at source by means of home or community composting is assessed. 


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