After three years of assessing the local biowaste streams and choosing the most appropriate technology for its valorisation, the DECISIVE demonstration site in Lyon is about to be unveiled.

The technology deploys a localised and decentralised biowaste management scheme, which recovers locally available biowaste and provides food producers in the near vicinity with valuable products such as compost and/or digestate, while electricity is produced for local and imminent use or storage. It is the result of numerous experiments, test and baseline assessment run using the methodology developed in the DECISIVE Decision Support Tool. ACR+ is proud to invite you to discover this new technology on the field on 14 November 2019.

The Centre de Formation et de Promotion Horticole (CFPH), in collaboration with Refarmers, a local SME specialised in urban farming, will host the launch of the DECISIVE demonstration site. The school located in Ecully will open its doors to welcome all the interested parties who want to witness a ground-breaking scheme which revolves around decentralised biowaste management. The visit will be a part of a larger study tour that afternoon including visits to several local stakeholders along the scheme’s value chain.

A conference to accompany the launch of the demonstration site

In the morning, Irstea, the DECISIVE project coordinator, will welcome participants at their premises at Lyon-Villeurbanne Centre. The objective of this conference will be to provide the necessary background information on the demonstration site, its development, challenges the project was facing, as well as differences and similarities with other similar projects and technologies elsewhere in Europe. The conference will also present the DECISIVE project and its objectives, with the presence of the entire project consortium. The conference will be followed by the aforementioned study tour.

The entire event, covering both the conference and the study tour, is free of charge. As seats are limited to 70, interested participants will be confirmed on a “first come first served” basis. The registrations are now open and available here.

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