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Zero Waste Scotland

09 May 2018 Members database

Zero Waste Scotland is a national agency which exists to create a society where all resources are valued and nothing is wasted.

Zero Waste Scotland is leading work to turn the Scottish Government’s ambitious vision of creating a carbon neutral country by 2045 into reality. Its mission is to both influence and enable change, gathering evidence to inform policy while also providing practical and financial support to help everyone adopt more sustainable ways of living and working.

Zero Waste Scotland's world-leading programmes, brands, campaigns and expertise include Resource Efficient Scotland and Love Food, Hate Waste. Collectively they span everything from Scotland’s forthcoming deposit return scheme tackling plastic waste to sharing simple but effective tips to help families, firms and public bodies reduce the amount of food they throw out. Key Scottish Government targets which Zero Waste Scotland leading on nationwide in the push towards a net-zero carbon society include recycling 70% of all waste by 2025 and reducing food waste by a third by 2025.

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