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TouriSME | The project enters its final months!

10 April 2023 ACR+ News

tourisme project

The TouriSMEproject, gathering 8 partners and covering 65 SMEs on the tourism sector in Cyprus, France, Italy and Spain is due to end in June. The project’s activities came to an end, after a training took place in Madrid in January, and a matchmaking event happened in Bari, in Italy. The partners will now work on assessing the impact the project had on SMEs, with 3 of them having already gained an environmental certification, and on disseminating the lessons learnt. To this end, ACR+ is creating the final publication: Guidelines for enhanced sustainability in tourism SMEs. This publication will aim at providing practical insights of the outcome of the project, by summarizing the capacity building phase and the trainings that were provided to the beneficiary SMEs, with contributions and comments from the experts that were involved in these trainings.




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