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Textiles waste prevention in North Wales

Cylch (Wales Community Recycling Network) acts as a single contact point for dealings between the community recycling sector and the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), local government and others on waste and resource issues. In North Wales 447,422 tonnes of household municipal waste was collected in 2007. Textiles account for 17,896 or 4% of this total collected household municipal waste stream. The Textile Recycling Association calculates that 85% of all textiles entering the waste stream are reusable or recyclable. Currently, less than 16% of all textile waste is diverted from entering the waste stream. 1300 tonnes of clothing and textiles were captured for recycling by clothing banks located at the civic amenity & bring sites in North Wales or just above 7% of the potential total of 17,896 tonnes.
Cylch is operating a pilot scheme in North Wales with the objective to reduce the amount of textiles going to landfill, and to ensure that communities benefit from textiles reuse and recycling. The sale of re-used textiles creates employment opportunities locally as well as an extra income stream for members.  In September 2008, 14 large and national charities operated 69 shops between them in North Wales. These 14 organizations on average were donated 1543 tonnes of clothing and textiles per annum. 15% of which would be sold to the public and 85% would be sold on to textile merchants as “charity rag” at £410 per tonne or for a total of £625,209.

Waste quantities reduced : 226 tonnes (0.33 kg/inh/y) or 15% were sold to the public and 85% or 1317 tonnes were sold to textile merchants as ‘charity rag’.


General data




North Wales



Waste generated (kg/inh/y)

565 (UK average) - Clothes 20 (EU 15- ACR+)

Waste prevention activity data

Waste flow Bulky waste : Textile (cloth)
Strategy Cloth & other textile waste prevention
Scale Roll out
Year(s) of tde project development 2008
Participation target /
Waste reduction target /
Participation rate 14 large and national charities operating 69 shops distributed over the North Welsh territory
Waste quantities reduced 1543 tonnes (2.25kg/inh/y) or 8,6% the potential total amount of waste textiles in North Wales were donated to 69 charity shops.
Budget /

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