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Disposable vapes under fire – a brief insight by ACR+ 

On 3 September, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne mentioned that the new national plan to combat smoking will include a ban on disposable vapes, although not mentioning when it would enter into force. France is not the only country in Europe where vapes and their ban are lately being discussed.  

In Germany, the Bundesrat (the chamber of states) adopted a resolution in March calling on the federal government to advocate a Europe-wide ban. Irish Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said in May that a ban on disposable vapes is the subject of "ongoing discussion", having also received the support of Circular Economy Minister Ossian. Meanwhile in the Netherlands, vapes are not allowed to be disposed with the common waste, instead they must be disposed of at appropriate collection points, recycling centres or stores. In the UK, the government is being asked by several organisation to ban single use vapes by 2024 on environmental and health grounds. 

ACR+ member North London Authority is one of them. NLWA is motivated by environmental concerns, particularly as over half of the estimated 420 000 disposable vape products purchased in north London each month ultimately end up as waste in bins or as litter. NLWA Chair has written on 1 September to the UK Secretary of State for Environment and Minister for Environment, explaining that the complex material composition of these products means that they will always be logistically difficult, labor intensive and expensive to recycle. Earlier in July, the Local Government Association, which represents councils across England and Wales, made a similar call. In Scotland, First Minister Humza Yousaf announced on 5 September that the Scottish government will consult on banning single-use vapes. This follows a report by ACR+ member Zero Waste Scotland and commissioned by the Scottish government that concluded that the weight of packaging and materials discarded as a result of single-use e-cigarette consumption in Scotland is currently between 800 and 1 000 tonnes per year. Results of the review are available online, including nine high level potential policy options to be considered further by Ministers. 

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