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The Highland real nappy programme

The Highland Real Nappy Project (HNRP) started in November 2001 and has built up a network of dedicated and experienced volunteers who promote the benefits of real nappy use across the Highland Council area. The project provides: advice on real nappy use, lending kits to borrow, try outs at home free of charge and subsidised starter packs to buy. Volunteers are available for demonstrations, events and second hand nappy sale are orgnaised and a website has been created with a wealth of information. The project set annual targets to meet. The Highland Real Nappy Project has developed a method of monitoring the impact of its project, based on the WRAP nappy tonnage conversion tool (see WRAP publication: “Improving the Performance of Waste Diversion Schemes: A Good Practice Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation”, February 2011). To calculate the tonnes of disposable nappies prevented per child, rates of conversion to real nappies are used which are based on data from previous follow-up surveys.

For more information:  ,

Contact: Marion McDonald

General data




Highland Council area



Waste generated (kg/inh/y)

730 (2008/09)

Waste prevention activity data

Waste flow Nappy waste
Strategy Swapping to reusable nappies
Scale Roll out
Year(s) of tde project development /
Participation target From September 2008 to March 2011: - organize 165 groups demonstrations - organize 200 one-to-one demonstrations - answer 650 enquiries - loan 150 Kits and sell 460 starter packs
Waste reduction target /
Participation rate From September 2008 to March 2011 - 41 group demonstrations organized - 54 one-to-one demonstrations organized - answered 177 enquiries
Waste quantities reduced 435 tonnes/year waste prevented (From September 2008 to Sep 2009)
Budget £176,000 from Jul 2008 – Mar 2011

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