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SMART WASTE | The project final stop to take place in Sofia!

10 April 2023 ACR+ News


SMART WASTE invites you to its hybrid high-level political dissemination event, set to unfold in Sofia and online on 11 May 2023. This event aims to give you key elements to improve public authorities’ waste management strategies, to strive towards more circularity. The morning will be dedicated to conferences to give you a detailed background on the situation, while the afternoon will be focused on 3 interactive working groups “Technologies for waste collection and recycling”, “The circular role of local authorities in boosting the FIVE Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle”, “Funding, designing and monitoring innovative waste management measures”. This event will also be the opportunity to meet interesting stakeholders and will leave plenty of time for networking! Discover the full agenda and register here!


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