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ProCirc | Contribute to explore the future of sustainable electric vehicle chargers

16 January 2023 ACR+ News

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ProCirc is setting up a collaborative process for creating a Joint Statement of Demand for electric vehicle chargers (EVC) and you are invited to participate. By producing a Joint Statement of Demand, consisting of widely shared demands and ambitions on EVCs when procuring, the project aims to join forces with other organisations. All kinds of organisations are welcome, public and private ones, as well as the industry. The goal is to deepen ProCirc knowledge about the EVC market, make room for collaboration and explore the potential of circular business models in the field.

As a first step, project partners, Circular Flanders, Rijkswaterstaat and City of Malmö, are preparing an open introduction online meeting on 2 February, 09:30 – 11:00 CET.

Register here.











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