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OECD Event on Extended Producer Responsibility

15 May 2023 ACR+ News

On 9 and 10 May, ACR+ attended the 2-day workshop organised by OECD in Paris on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes. The first day of the workshop focused on packaging, discussing important aspects such as fee modulation, impact of EPR on product design and recycling performance. Different cases were presented from OECD member countries including the United States, Chile, Belgium and emerging markets focusing on implementation, challenges and lessons learnt. One session was dedicated to the interplay between EPR and reducing plastic pollution in the environment through the recent UN Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution.
The second day was firstly dedicated to the presentation of the forthcoming OECD report “new aspects of EPR: extending producer responsibility to additional product groups and challenges throughout the product life cycle”. Afterwards, participants had the chance to discuss the benefits and challenges of the eco-modulation, calculation methods for littering costs (from Germany, Belgium and UK) and finally the social and distributional aspects of EPR from both developing and developed countries’ point of view.

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