Zero Waste Scotland

A new research from ACR+ member Zero Waste Scotland shows that four out of five Scots would be happy to receive a pre-loved gift this Christmas – but just under two thirds (65%) of those asked say they would be unlikely to buy one for someone else. The survey also shows that 68% of Scots have purchased a second-hand item for themselves. The main reasons they selected for doing so, or considering it in the future, were to find good quality items at lower prices (56%) or to find unique items (44%). Despite this, only one quarter of Scots said they had ever gifted someone else a second-hand item. 

To help people find a place to shop second-hand with confidence, a quality certification for second-hand shopping, the Revolve standard, has been laucnhed in Scotland. Currently, over 80 Revolve certified shops can be found across the country.

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