On 5 December 2016, ACR+ member Paris announced a plan to build hundreds of public waste recycling stations to boost the low level of recycling in the French capital. Following the successful testing of a recycling station in one Paris district, the city will install 40 stations in four districts by the end of 2016.
After a review of the program in mid-2017, the city aims to install 1,000 to 1,500 stations in the city's 20 districts in 2018. The stations take up about one parking space and can gather several tonnes of paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metal and textiles per month.
Eco-Emballages will help finance and operate the system. The company estimated the system called "Trilib" would cost about 8 euros per month for each person using it, compared with about 11 euros per month for door-to-door collection of recyclables. Several other French cities including Amiens and Marseille are launching similar public recycling facilities.
Source: www.reuters.com