

TRiFOCAL London – Transforming City FOod hAbits for Life, is the latest initiative to be led by Resource London - the partnership between the ACR+ member, WRAP, and the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) - together with Groundwork London.  The organisations bid for and won 3.2 million euros from the European Commission to deliver the initiative in London, which will be a test bed for other European cities. 

The initiative aims to use innovative approaches to: prevent food waste by changing planning, shopping, storage and meal preparation behaviour; promote healthy and sustainable eating by changing purchasing and preparation practices; and recycle more unavoidable food waste.

Starting in September 2016 and running for three years, TRiFOCAL will engage with 33 London boroughs including householders, hospitality and food service businesses, local communities and schools.  It will use a range of communications approaches, including events, advertising and direct engagement with residents. By the end of the initiative, a ‘food waste behavioural change resource bank’ will be developed, which can be used to help other European cities replicate the achievements of London.
TRiFOCAL will build on a number of existing materials and research. This includes food waste reduction research insights, London waste authority data on food waste recycling, good practice guidance and communications materials produced as part of WRAP’s consumer campaigns Love Food Hate Waste and Recycle Now, as well as Recycle for London. 

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