ACR+ member ATIA-ISWA ITALIA in collaboration with ACR+ is organising a side-event during the Ecomondo fair, in the section Smart Communities of the Urban Circular Economy sector. The event entitled “Circular economy and urban waste management: let´s start circulating in it. What must change, how and when” will take place on 10 November 2016, in Rimini.

The conference will shed light on these implications into the entire system of municipal waste management thanks to the contribution of experts working in key International and European Institutions, Associations and Companies. National and European examples and case studies of real application of the circular economy in the waste sector will also be presented during this one-day event.

We already invite you to save the date!

More information and draft programme:

Ecomondo is the largest showcase in the Euro-Mediterranean area for advanced and sustainable technology for processing and recycling all kinds of waste; treating and reclaiming water, waste water and polluted marine sites; efficient use and transformation of raw and processed materials and the promotion of renewable raw materials.

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