ACR+ member OVAM is initiating a new measure to reduce single-use packaging waste. From 15 June 2023 it will be prohibited to serve drinks in single-use containers, such as cans, PET bottles and single-use glass bottles, at all events in Flanders. This measure was already taken for all government events in 2020. PET bottles and cans are only allowed if the organiser can prove that at least 95% is collected for recycling. From 1 January 2025, these containers will also be banned. In addition, from 3 June 2023, organisers are obliged to provide a collection system for reusable drinking and eating utensils that guarantees 90% return for reuse. With the tightening of regulations, the Flemish government is focusing mainly on waste prevention. The policy stimulates a decrease in the use of materials and the transition to a more circular economy. 

Source: (in Dutch) 

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