The action-research “Citizen Waste” is conducted since 2019 by COMASE, a management consulting group, and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, on behalf of ACR+ member Brussels Environment. It consists of the objectivation and better understanding of the waste sorting performances of Brussels households, the identification of improvement paths, and the animation of a multi-actor group (collaborative working group) throughout the study. 

An initial bibliographic analysis led to the selection of a series of indicators to explain the lower sorting performance of households in urban centers (population density, rate of multi-unit buildings, rate of tenants) and to carry out a regional mapping of these indicators at the level of the statistical sector. Several sectors with cumulative sorting difficulties were highlighted.

A qualitative analysis was then carried out concerning knowledge of sorting, obstacles and motivations to sorting, sorting practices, tensions between sorting and the values or constraints of households, and potential levers for improvement. To that end, various stakeholders were included with the realisation of a preparatory mini survey of 211 people, comprehensive interviews with 10 building managers and 20 households, 6 focus groups of 6 households, etc. Particular attention was paid to bulky items and food waste. The comprehensive household interviews sought to specifically mobilise households in sectors where sorting is difficult.

Finally, recommendations for action were formulated to support Brussels’ households in the management and sorting of waste, in order to improve the general performance of the Brussels-Capital Region. The last phase of the project, under preparation, will test some of the improvement measures resulting from the recommendations and action levers identified in the previous stages.

Find out more, check the interim report out (in French)



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