ACR+ member ARC annually calculates the carbon footprint of the municipal waste management sector to obtain relevant information for the definition of public policies on climate change in the waste sector. The total carbon footprint of municipal waste management in Catalonia for the year 2020 is 512,527 t CO2eq, which represents an emission of 66 kg CO2eq / inhabitant and 129 kg CO2eq / tonne of waste generated. The results obtained in 2020 represent a significant reduction in the total carbon footprint (-12%) compared to 2019 mainly due to four factors: the reduction in the amount of waste destined for controlled disposal, the increase of the amount of materials collected selectively, the reduction of the waste that goes to a plant of energetic valorisation, and finally by a slight descent of the generation of waste by inhabitant. Source: (in Catalan) Other ACR+ members assessed the carbon footprint of their municipal waste, taking advantage of the More Circularity, Less Carbon campaign and the Carbon Metric tool developed by Zero Waste Scotland. Have a look at the first results here.