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In the context of the development of the circular economy in the Brussels-Capital Region, the qualification of a material as waste makes it possible to ensure environmental protection but is nevertheless likely to hinder the development of certain small and medium-sized projects, particularly because of the administrative procedures involved. Indeed, a material will be subject to a different legal regime whether it is identified as a "product" or as "waste".

On the basis of this observation, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region has committed itself, through CiReDe and the Resource and Waste Management Plan, to tackle the problem and to seek innovative solutions in this area.

ACR+ member Brussels Environment has launched a study to examine these concepts and to put in place practical solutions adapted to the development of the circular economy, while ensuring environmental protection. A thematic seminar will be organised on 26 November 2020 at 14:30 - 18:00 CET in order to present the results of this study and to receive feedback on the subject.

Source: https://environnement.brussels (in French)

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