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ACR+ member EMULSA has been awarded the highest recognition, the three Blue paper birds (pajaritas azules), in the management of the collection of paper and cardboard by ASPAPEL, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard. ASPAPEL has especially valued the high number (1,673 in total) of containers for paper and cardboard recycling located in the streets of Gijón, the collection figures and the door-to-door commercial cardboard collection service from which nearly 1,500 shops in Gijón benefit for free.
In 2019, 8,902 tonnes of paper and cardboard for recycling were collected in the containers, which meant an increase of 7.34% compared to the previous year. Regarding the door-to-door commercial cardboard collection service, it grew by 29% compared to last year, reaching 438 tonnes.

ACR+ members SADECO, Greater Pamplona, and Barcelona, are also part of the 25 local entities in Spain which have received three Blue paper birds by ASPAPEL.
Source: https://cuidadoambiental.gijon.es  (in Spanish)

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