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Green Club Programme sparks national sustainability movement

02 September 2024 Circular Lifestyles, ACR+ News

The Gaelic Athletic Association’s Green Club Programme has gained significant momentum as it enters its second phase, with over 200 clubs across Ireland now actively participating in sustainability initiatives. Launched in response to growing concerns about the impact of climate change on Gaelic games, the programme provides clubs with a comprehensive toolkit to implement actions across five key areas: energy, waste, water, biodiversity, and transport. This initiative has not only demonstrated the GAA's commitment to reducing its environmental footprint but has also inspired other sports organisations and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) to explore similar sustainability efforts within their sectors. 

The success of the Green Club Programme has led to wider recognition of the GAA as a leader in promoting sustainable practices in sports. The DECC, impressed by the initiative's achievements, has initiated a formal process to address climate change challenges across the entire sports sector. This collaboration has already seen other sporting bodies begin to pilot their versions of the Green Club Programme, with the aim of implementing similar sustainability measures within their organisations. As a result, several sports bodies are now piloting their versions of the Green Club Programme, reflecting the growing momentum for sustainability driven by the shared goals of the GAA and the ACCESS Project. 

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