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Cross-regional synergies in the transition to circular economy. Introducing the SCREEN Project (19 March 2019)

01 March 2019 Webinars



Regions are key players in the transition to a circular economy and can strongly support the creation of new local and cross-regional circular economy value chains with critical mass. This webinar presented the results of the SCREEN project (Synergic CirculaR Economy Across European regioNs), which developed tools and guidance to identify cross-regional synergies related to material fraction exchanges and value chains. ACR+ was part of the advisory board of SCREEN, which brings together 22 partners from 12 countries across Europe. 

During the session, experts from regional authorities (ACR+ members Navarre in Spain and Fryslan in the Netherlands), and research and academia (the Milan Polytechnic University, Veltha) presented the project’s approach and discuss the results of their work on potential synergies. 

Recording and presentations

You can download the presentations by clicking on them below: 


Furthermore, you can access the recording of the webinar at the following link.

SCREEN webinar

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