
ARC | A contest to encourage battery recycling in Catalonia's schools
The APILO contest celebrates its 10th edition with a contest aimed at promoting battery recycling in Catalonia’s schools. Organised by the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC), the competition engages educational communities in a fun and participative way. Over 67 tonnes of batteries were collected by 1 139 schools in the previous edition. For the 2024-2025 edition, schools can now register and compete for one of ten prizes to obtain educational or sports materials. Six prizes of EUR 1 500 will be awarded to schools collecting the most batteries per student in various regional categories, along with four special prizes of EUR 1 000 for exceptional achievements and participation. This year, awareness activities are expanded by 25% and include storytelling sessions and workshops tailored for different age groups, such as building batteries from lemons and exploring metal contamination.