A new book by ACR+
What are the challenges of waste management facing local and regional authorities in Europe? How can the operational decisions best be guided to optimize waste management systems? Which are the most important future directions of waste policy and legislation?
In a book published in September 2009, ACR+ have set out to establish the answers to these questions, and much more besides. They clarify, in quantitative and qualitative term, the present ‘waste moutain’ and the complex challenges that confront public authorities. The authors have analysed the systematic evolution of European policy, across the board but with particular emphasis on the new European Waste Framework Directive.
The book considers the different approaches towards waste prevention, organization of selective collection, the alternative treatment options to be chosen, while keeping an eye on waste management costs.
The European network ACR+ has prepared this synthesis, thanks to its unique experience 15 years’ exchanging information and experiences concerning municipal waste. The book, published by Victoires Editions with the support of ACR+ Member Suez Environnement/SITA, was launched in September in French and in English.
Read the Table of Contents and the book cover summary
Read the PRESS RELEASE (15/09/2009)
How to get the book?
The book may be purchased from the editor, Victoires-Editions:
- Order the book online (payment by credit card)
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