Managing Urban Europe-25 aimed to improve the development and the implementation of environmental management systems for urban zones. The project is connected to the thematic Strategy on the urban environment and co-financed by the European Commission.
Coordinated by the Union of Baltic Cities (UBC), this project involved 23 partners including 14 pilot cities.
The project
Managing Urban Europe-25 aimed at improving the environmental quality and sustainability of European cities by delivering a framework for better implementation of already existing environmental management systems (EMS) like EMAS, ISO 14001 series and eco-budget.
Through practical work with the cities, like local training, capacity building and research, MUE-25 was be part of a larger picture of strengthening environmental and sustainable practices. The project was closely linked to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment within the 6th Environmental Action Plan of the European Union.
The main outcome of the project is a framework EMS system, an EMS umbrella, which enables the implementation of environmental management systems for the entire urban area. By using the system, the cities should better be able to improve implementation of environmental legislation, municipal policy integration and coherence, urban management, municipal compliance with existing legislation and voluntary agreements, as well as environmental assessment and reporting and communication with local stakeholders.
ACR+ contribution was in providing training support in waste management and in disseminating results.