On 21, 22 and 23 March ACR+ took part in a workshop in Tunisia organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly and Libyan local authorities (ARLEM) and Flanders Region (OVAM) gathering experts from Europe (Italy, Spain and Belgium (OVAM)) and 6 Libyan local authorities as a part of Nicosia Initiative. The Nicosia initiative focuses on public services, with different European Regions/cities sharing expertise and providing training in waste management, public administration, water management, etc.
For the time being, the main aim of the waste management part of the initiative is to identify a road map to set up pilot customized organic waste compost areas in key locations of 6 Libyan municipalities: Ghariyan, Zintan, Sebha,Tripoli, Benghazi and Toubruk. The locations of the areas previously identified by the Libyan partners can be grouped in three categories: universities/colleges, medical centres, close to dumping sites.
Waste management in Libya is one of the key strategic public services that need overall restructuring towards the establishment of an effective Integrated Waste Management System. Municipalities are facing multiple challenges even to respond at least to the basic requirements affecting directly people lives (conflicting legal framework, lack of adequate means for garbage collection, transportation and disposal, lack of financial resources).
The project proposal for the organic waste compost areas should be ready before 27 May 2017. All actors involved will work on an earlier option, if current working engagements allow.