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GREENER C GBThe Greener project – BoostinG industry EngagemEnt iN green pRocurement – aimed to improve the skills of procurers and administrative profiles focusing on SMEs, with regards to GPP criteria and enhancing the responsiveness of curricula of traditional profiles to the future demand of skills.

Project co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, 2020 - 2022



The GREENER project contributed to boost SMEs involvement in Green and Circular Public Procurement (GPP/CPP). From December 2020 to November 2022, partners developed several tools to facilitate industry engagement in GPP/CPP. These include a 5 module training course to enhance knowledge of SMEs on GPP/CPP, and a toolbox providing a range of guides and examples to support Vocational Education and Training on GPP/CPP. Moreover, each partner prepared a National report detailing the current situation in their country as well as the conclusion of two workshops about GREENER project methodology and results, carried out with relevant actors on GPP.



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