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The European Week for Waste Reduction prepared its annual celebration: the EWWR Awards Ceremony, which celebrate the most outstanding actions on waste reduction organised during the EWWR 2018. The event, hosted by the European Committee of the Regions, took place at 10:30 am on 15 May in Brussels, in the framework of the EU Green Week.

On this date, the EWWR celebrated the most oustanding actions on waste reduction organised during the the EWWR 2018. This is a wonderful opportunity to put the spotlight on some of the EWWR’s most innovative, effective and long-lasting actions raising awareness on waste prevention, and to recognise the hard work of the Action Developers across Europe that makes the EWWR possible.

The EWWR Awards Ceremony allows to discover the winning actions in each category: Public Administration, Association/NGO, Business, Educational Establishment, and Citizen. In addition, a European Special Prize is also attributed to the action that best contributed to the European spirit. To get a glimpse of the previous edition’s winners, read last year’s press file here.

For more information about the Awards process and the EWWR jury, have a look at our page: www.ewwr.eu/en/ideas/awards.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook @ewwr.eu & Twitter @2EWWR to get the latest updates about the event and the finalists!

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