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ACCESS | The project’s first event took place in Pisa

30 January 2023 ACR+ News


ACCESS partners met in ACR+ member Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies’ premises, for a consortium meeting on 24 January and an interactive conference on 25 January. The project, which was launched in July 2022, explores the world of environmental sustainability in sports. The project is looking at narrowing the gap between the current environmental performances of sport organisations and the targets of their respective cities and regions on the other.

The first day of the meeting consisted in a steering committee which aimed at discussing the first milestones that were achieved within the project and to plan on the following steps: Pursuing the audit of the best practices that are currently set within the sports organisations and their respective cities. Moreover, as the project’s communication partner, ACR+ unveiled the different communication tools created for the project, such as its brand-new website and the different social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In the afternoon, ACR+ provided the partners with a training on community on practices, a concept that will play a key role in the future of the project. 

The second day was dedicated to a multiplier event organised by Sant’Anna School, and aimed at providing participants with different tools to assess sports organisation’s overall ecological impact. Among these tools, ACR presented the Green Sports Hub’s Self-Assessment tool, which is yet in its validation phase. A wide range of stakeholders took part to the meeting, in order to provide inputs on different topics. Over 25 participants attended the event, which also was the occasion to poll the audience on their ideal tool to measure sustainability in sports events.

Make sure you stay updated on ACCESS activities by following the project on social media and subscribing to its newsletter


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