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Ecomondo 2021

From 26 October 2021 09:00 until 29 October 2021 17:00
Categories: ACR+ partner event

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This year ACR+ was with a stand where we presented our various activities and projects. Ecomondo is one of the benchmark events in Europe for technological and industrial innovation. An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy on a single platform: from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development. Every year, Ecomondo presents the new priorities in legislation/regulation, research and training in relation to the circular economy, the new processes including 4.0 and products relating to its adoption in industry and in cities and regions.

In particular, Ecomondo covers:

Waste and resources

  • Services for the management and integrated valorisation of waste
  • Technologies and equipment for the treatment of urban and industrial waste
  • Equipment and vehicles for waste collection and transport
  • Waste systems and containers
  • Waste handling and lifting machinery and equipment
  • Eco-design and new materials
  • Repair and restore services 

Circular bio-economy

  • Bio-based industry
  • Bioenergy
  • Agrifood & Blue growth

Find out more on https://en.ecomondo.com

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