European Week of Regions and Cities 2019
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.
The 17th edition of European Week of Regions and Cities offered more than 300 sessions including workshops, participatory labs, regions' talks, Q&As on presented themes, exhibitions "Agora Village" and tastings of Regions & Cities. Sessions took place at the Square, the European Committee of the Regions premises and regional offices.
The opening session was on 7 October 2019 at the European Parliament followed by a Citizens' Dialogue at the Square Conference centre.
Browse the programme.
ACR+ and its members were also there:
8 October |
11:00 - 12:00: The seven characteristics of a circular economy, Brussels, by Provincie Fryslan |
8 October | 14:30 - 16:00: Circular Economy as a strategy for cities and regions, Brussels, by ACR+, The Hague, and with other UAPCE partners | |
9 October | 9:00 - 12:00: Circular Innovations for household Waste: Stimulating the Circular Economy for Textiles, Electronics and Organic waste, Brussels, by Cleantech Region | |
9 October |
12:30 - 15:30: Roadmap to a Circular Resource Efficient City, Brussels, by The Hague |
10 October |
10:00 - 12:00: Circular economy practices through public procurement of textile, Brussels, by ACR+ and EURATEX | |
10 October | 11:30 - 13:00: Regions Sparking the Circular Economy, Brussels, by Provincie Fryslan | |