Webinar: Understanding Plastics – Helping Residents Make the Right Choices
ACR+ member North London Waste Authority (NLWA) ran a workshop at their last North London Waste Prevention Exchange which sought to help attendees consider how best to present information about plastics to residents, and how to help them make more informed choices as consumers. They are now running a webinar to share findings from that workshop.
Prioritising plastic waste prevention can help local authorities to engage residents, implement plastic waste prevention activities at minimal cost and protect the environment. This webinar on Wednesday 21 August 2019 gave the opportunity to participants to find out what you as a local authority can do to engage, encourage, and enable residents to reduce plastic waste.
- Hear from the NLWA on why it is important to be tackling plastic waste
- Get practical tips and advice, from Ricardo Energy and Environment, on how to support residents and what to consider when planning a plastic waste reduction programme
- See real-world examples of initiatives that have been implemented by other councils to successfully reduce plastic waste