Designing Urban Food Policies - concepts and approaches

The present book is in keeping with the aims of the Sustainable Urban Food Systems (SurFood) research project supported by Agropolis Fondation. This flagship project was set up to coordinate, amplify and globally showcase the interdisciplinary research of the different institutional members of Labex Agro. It has been written in response to a request from Agropolis Fondation’s Science Council to build a conceptual framework for the analysis, evaluation and development of sustainable urban food systems.

Topics addressed:

- Urbanization Issues Affecting Food System Sustainability

- History of Urban Food Policy in Europe, from the Ancient City to the Industrial City

- Cities’ Strategies for Sustainable Food and the Levers They Mobilize

- Theoretical Approaches for Effective Sustainable Urban Food Policymaking

- Reconciling Sustainability Issues and Urban Policy Levers

- Putting Food on the Regional Policy Agenda in Montpellier, France


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