Report on the current situation of the urban furniture sector related to GPP

Author(s): LIFE FUTURE

The LIFE FUTURE – “Sustainable Urban FUrniTURE: Tool design to perform environmental assessments in the green procurement framework” was a 39-month project financed by the LIFE programme of the European Commission that started on 01/10/2015 and ended on 31/12/2018.

This deliverable shows a state-of-the-art on green public procurement (GPP) and its implications related to the urban furniture sector. A technical update and novelties identified in this area are provided within three content blocks:
1.The legal framework on GPP, including legal and standard requirements applicable to urban furniture.
2.Procedures, tools and methodologies available for GPP.
3.Environmental information related to urban furniture, including life cycle assessment studies, ecodesign practices and ecolabelling.



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