Preliminary contract and financial assessment model for public procurement of innovation in the waste sector

Author(s): PPI4Waste

As part of the PPI4WAste project, this report aims at defining contract models and financing modelling of different approaches for public procurement of innovation in the waste sector. Both parts are absolutely related, because if some contracting authority wants to buy some product, work or service will have to pay attention not only in the contract, but also in the financial model. Otherwise it will be very difficult for him to achieve their objective in a successful way.
The definition of contract models includes, after reviewing the national Law relevant to the pilot projects, includes firstly a guide or template of contract model; with clauses specially focus on PPI4Waste objectives and pilot projects. Secondly, it contains a review of the arrangements regarding management of Intellectual Property Rights over innovations, and confidentiality.
Finally, the preliminary financial modelling assessment is intended to support the identification of the available financing instruments that support innovation, to approach the definition of all financial cost elements, and the evaluation of different investment scenarios.
The deliverable has been developed using a theoretical-illustrating example approach, which means that we have provided to illustrate the theory and necessary steps to develop a PPI contract model with input taken from the assessment of needs, performance characteristics and roadmap developed by both Mancomunidad del Sur and Zagreb Holding, simulating pilot cases of PPI.

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