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Towards an ambitious environmental policy in Germany and europe

Author(s): SRU

Against the background of the Corona pandemic, climate change and biodiversity loss are currently receiving less attention. However, the long-term threat to the natural foundations of life persists. With this Environmental Report, the SRU is addressing environmental policy topics which require urgent action.

The current crisis has revealed that our lives and economic activities are vulnerable to a previously unsuspected degree. As different as the two crises are, one thing they have in common is that they can only be overcome through collective and decisive action. The resuscitation of the economy which is now required should be used to find new ways of doing things. In Germany as well as in the EU, it is important that the political system proves it is capable of taking action in response to the enormous ecological and economic challenges. The report focuses on the following themes: climate policy, the circular economy, water protection, sustainable neighbourhood development, noise regulation,, urban mobility and the future of EU environmental policy.


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