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Food and Circular Economy - 15 initiatives in Ile-de-France

The Ile-de-France Committee on Circular Economy publishes the "Circular Economy & Food: Parisian initiatives for all tastes" booklet prepared by ORÉE with the support of ADEME Île-de-France, the DRIEE Île-de-France and the Metropolis of Greater Paris. Convinced of the interest of the circular economy in the field of food, and that of developing synergies for the fight against waste, the protection of biodiversity and territorial anchoring, the Ile-de-France committee wished to implement concrete examples by presenting initiatives in the Paris region on this theme.

These show that new production, processing and consumption practices are possible upstream and downstream. These initiatives reconnect producers to consumers, conserve resources and know-how, close cycles of nitrogen and carbon, and so on. Within the collection, the 15 initiatives presented are attached to five main chapters: Optimize the use of resources; Better source for a sustainable agricultural activity; Produce closer to consumers; To change the modes of production; Change consumption patterns.

The document is in French


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