The CIRCTER Final Report is delivered as a set of 13 documents, all of which are available for download from the project website. The Main Report provides an overview of the main findings from the different research tasks in the CIRCTER project and delivers selected policy messages with European coverage. The report offers a territorial definition of the circular economy; insights into the available statistics on material and waste patterns and flows and their interpretation, alongside new territorial evidence on both aspects; a sectoral characterisation of the circular economy at regional level (NUTS-2), including data on turnover and jobs; key findings from the CIRCTER case studies; a systemic interpretation of the circular economy that works as a knowledge-integration mechanism for the entire report; an analysis of the most relevant circular economy policies and strategies at various territorial levels; a subset of policy recommendations focusing in particular on territorial and cohesion policies; and suggestions for further research.
The Final Report also delivered 11 annexes:
- A territorial definition of the circular economy;
- Material and waste patterns and flows in Europe: Data regionalization; and Territorial analysis;
- A sectoral characterization of regional circular economies in Europe;
- Case Study synthesis report;
- Individual case study reports;
- A system’s perspective on the circular economy;
- Towards place-sensitive policies for circular economy development;
- Policy fiches;
- Measuring urban circularity based on a territorial perspective;
- CIRCTER Policy Guide.
In addition, the project made available on the ESPON Database Portal ( the CIRCTER dataset composed of a set of nine territorial indicators computed at two different time cuts.