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Technical reports, Waste and Material Flows, Sustainable Food Systems
29 September 2022
Quantified actions to prevent household food waste
Quantified actions to prevent household food waste Read more >
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Technical reports, Sustainable Food Systems, Policy and Governance
27 April 2021
The governance of circular bioeconomy - Practices and lessons learnt from European regions
The governance of circular bioeconomy - Practices and lessons learnt from European regions Read more >
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Technical reports, Waste and Material Flows, Sustainable Food Systems
05 March 2016
Bio-waste Selective Collection Schemes
Bio-waste Selective Collection Schemes Read more >
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Technical reports, Sustainable Food Systems
16 February 2014
Management options for 6 composting strategies
Management options for 6 composting strategies Read more >
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Technical reports, Waste and Material Flows, Sustainable Food Systems
08 May 2011
Miniwaste Inventory of good practices regarding (bio-)waste minimization in Europe
Miniwaste Inventory of good practices regarding (bio-)waste minimization in Europe Read more >
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Technical reports, Sustainable Food Systems
17 May 2007
Questions-réponses sur la biométhanisation de la fraction fermentescible des déchets ménagers municipaux
Questions-réponses sur la biométhanisation de la fraction fermentescible des déchets ménagers municipaux Read more >
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Technical reports, Circular Lifestyles, Sustainable Food Systems, Policy and Governance
27 October 2005
Managing Biodegradable Household Waste: What prospects for European Local Authorities?
Managing Biodegradable Household Waste: What prospects for European Local Authorities? Read more >