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Selective sorting in byblos, Blat (Lebanon) and Nice (France)

12 April 2018 Content

MED-3R mesures to develop selective sorting.

1,6 million tons of waste are produced annually in Lebanon. This number increases by 7 or 8% each year, knowing that no integrated waste management is established throughout the country and that consequences are still wildly ignored by citizens.

Only 10% of waste is recycled, 50% are transmitted to the few controlled landfills in the country, while the remaining 40% ends up in the numerous illegal dumpsites. Although Lebanon is a party to the Basel Convention (1989) and the Stockholm Convention (2001) on pollutant waste and their disposal, the signed texts are not always respected. Waste collection, treatment and landfill, fall under the competences of municipalities (Article 49, law 1977) that suffer from a great lack of means. A draft law, setting out the procedures for waste management and selective sorting at source, has been voted in 2006 (Articles 39-a, 40-c and 44, law 2002), and still no decrees are defined for the implementation of these provisions.

It is in this context that the MED-3R project has set up two pilot projects on selective sorting in Byblos and Blat.

Thus, the International Office for Water (OIEau, France) conducted four training courses for the Lebanese partners between 2014 and 2015, as part of its commitment to the establishment of know-how transfer sessions to the Mediterranean Partner Countries.

The attendance mainly concerned representatives of the Municipalities of Byblos and Blat, followed by representatives of the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon, companies and NGOs in charge of waste collection in both municipalities. Their aim was to support local actors in achieving their management plans, the implementation of a waste collection regulation and the development of an appropriate communication system.

Selective sorting in Byblos:

Following to the feasibility study and the waste management plan of Byblos that were developed within the framework of MED-3R, the Municipality has started in 2014 the implementation of its pilot project. The city has been divided into seven different areas where objectives, indicators and the waste streams collected in a separative manner have been set.

MED-3R has also enabled the city of Byblos to set up the first waste collection regulation achieved at a national level. Three sorting ambassadors were also recruited and communication campaigns are being implemented. These campaigns are translated by the distribution of brochures during the major events in the city and in door-to-door, by the installation of stands during some school events, the organization of environmental workshops and the dissemination through the media. This work is accompanied by the purchase and the installation of recycling bins across the city and the purchase of a dumpster. Finally, the Municipality of Byblos is establishing an environmental Police, which would be a pioneering initiative in Lebanon.

Selective sorting in Blat:

In Blat, the packaging selective collection system concerned only one experimental area in the city, but will be lately expanded to other neighborhoods. A waste management plan of the city and a feasibility study have thus been developed, and the Municipality set up its first waste collection regulation.

A door-to-door awareness campaign was also conducted by three teams of young volunteers and it concerned the city’s schools and universities as well. This work was accompanied by the distribution of explanatory brochures and the publishing of articles in the local magazine. Finally, a site was set up for the storage of recyclable waste prior to being transferred to processing centers. This site is for the use of the two neighboring cities Byblos and Blat.

ENPI Info – 04/12/2013

Selective sorting in Nice:

Around 10 millions of tourists and 500 000 congressists visit each year the French Riviera territory, that has become the second most touristic destination, the second business destination, the first game destination and with the second highly active airport, at a national level. However, these figures generate huge quantities of waste to be collected: as an example, up to 1 000 tons of waste per day may be collected on the Metropole Nice Cote d’Azur during a highly touristic season.

The historical center of the city of Nice, called the “Old Nice”, holds numerous shops and restaurants, as well as cultural and administrative centers that are widely frequented by the visitors of the region, in addition to its 6000 inhabitants. However, a number of constraints fall within its waste management, such as low storage capacities in residential and public spaces, the narrow width of the streets, architectural requirements and the preservation of the city’s image.

Considering the possible scope for improving the sorting performances in the area of around 2.5 kg/inhab./year, over an average of 15 kg/inhab./year within the French Riviera territory, Nice Cote d’Azur Metropole created 11 collection spaces for household waste since 2011, and set up as part of MED-3R, a new sorting space located at 3 rue Gilly. With the support of an awareness campaign and the distribution of 3000 guidebooks and sorting bags, a doubling of the recycling collection rate is thus expected in the area by late 2016.

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