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Organic waste in Sfax (Tunisia)

12 April 2018 Content

MED-3R mesures concerning organic waste

Organic waste and composting in Sfax:

In Tunisia, 68% of household waste corresponds to organic waste. Considering the significant local deficits of fertilizers, recovering this type of waste is of ecological, social and economic interests.

It is in this context that the MED-3R project finances the development of a pilot composting site, and allows the achievement of a comprehensive waste management plan in the city of Sfax.

Thus, a development study of a composting site was performed by the Municipality of Sfax that also acquired a strand for organic waste sorting. This equipment is that is fully managed by the Preparatory School for Engineer Studies of Sfax (IPEIS), allows the Municipality to value up to 50% of household waste treated a the pilot site, by extracting the organic portion.

On the other hand, the IPEIS, partner of the MED-3R project, achieved a comprehensive waste management plan of the city. It has also arranged an analysis and research laboratory for this purpose and is undertaking agronomic tests in order to monitor the quality of the produced compost. The first agronomic results are expected by the end of 2015.

Finally, the Preparatory School acquired two vehicles enabling it to ensure the shuttle between the composting site and the laboratory.

Location of the pilot composting site in Sfax.

Layout of the pilot composting site in Sfax.

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