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20 July 2016 Content



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The SCOW project Selective collection of the organic waste in tourist areas and valorisation in farm composting plants –  aimed to develope low cost, technically simple and high quality bio-waste collection and recycling models in territories with touristic areas and agricultural activity.

This project has received funding by the ENPI CBCMED Programme of the European Union, 2013-2015.

{slider THE PROJECT}

SCOW's goal was to define an innovative and sustainable bio-waste management system through effective collection and waste treatment into decentralised small-scale composting plants, located near bio-waste generation sites, and, at the same time, where the compost could be applied.

The experience was to be reproduced in other Mediterranean zones, reducing impacts at source, through a simple management of the bio-waste collection and treatment with the idea of self-sufficiency.


SCOW's project partners were:

  • ACR+
  • Development Agency Gal Genovese, Italy
  • Environment Park SpA BioenergyLab
  • Palestinian Authority House of Water and Environment
  • Malta Local Council's Association
  • MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, Israel
  • SYVADEC (SIRET) Corsica, France
  • Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona, Spain
  • Upper Galilee Regional Council, Israel

{slider RESULTS}

SCOW contributed to improve general waste management, closing the cycle of the organic matter in countries with an important lack of organic carbon at soil. It also helped to improve land structure and fertility, reducing desertification (applying compost to soils), global warming (avoiding the entrance of biodegradable materials to landfills and capturing carbon in soil) and landfilling capacity needs (reducing waste entrance). In addition, it created new economic activity, even in waste collection and treatment sectors and compost selling.

The project outputs are available here.

{slider TOOLBOX}

Best Practices
Handbooks and protocols
Project documents


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