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Region for Recycling ("R4R") project Launch Event, Paris, 18-20 April 2012

12 April 2012 News Archive

Region for Recycling ("R4R") project Launch Event, Paris, 18-20 April 2012

Region for Recycling ("R4R") project Launch Event, Paris, 18-20 April 2012

R4R (Regions for Recycling) is an INTERREG IVC project which aims at promoting regional contributions to the European Recycling Society, by allowing local and regional authorities to make consistent comparisons thanks to a common method and exchange of transferable good practices related to local instruments in order to improve recycling performances.

Municipal Waste recycling in Europe: Despite common waste and recycling goals, there are still wide disparities between European Regions

The project will be officially presented in Paris in the kick-off meeting which will take place on the18th-20th April 2012.

More information on this event:


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