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R4R Conference in Brussels | 14th September 2014

10 September 2014 News Archive

14 September, Brussels


R4R conference “A regional contribution to the European recycling society”
17 September 2014, Brussels

Organised in the framework of the R4R project (Regions for Recycling), the conference will contributes to the debate on the review of waste management targets. The European Commission unveiled its proposal about the targets review in July, as part of its package on circular economy. A roundtable will give the opportunity to debate experts’ opinions on the targets review.

A second roundtable will address some key local and regional instruments helping cities and regions to improve their waste collection and recycling performances, in particular economic instruments.

One of the objectives is to highlight the role of local and regional authorities regarding waste recycling and circular economy and showcase their expertise.

The R4R Brussels conference programme is available. The event is free, but seats are limited.

Click here to register to the conference

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