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18 June 2013 Content

Sharing good practices to reduce waste  


PreWaste for WebPre-waste is a three-year European project (2010-2012) whose aim is to help cities and regions to improve their waste prevention policies. The project involves 10 partners in Europe, committed to sharing their expertise in waste prevention and waste management. The objective is to give decision makers the opportunity to go beyond recycling and to be ever greener when they develop their waste or environmental policies.



The outputs

In particular, Pre-waste aims to deliver:

a common methodology for developing efficient regional waste prevention policies, in terms of planning, implementation and monitoring,

27 best examples of waste prevention actions implemented by local or regional authorities and 9 feasibility studies on a selection of these best practices,

a range of indicators and a web tool allowing the assessment of the efficiency of waste prevention actions and monitoring.

ACR+'s involvement

ACR+ plays a key role in the project, as an expert for the development of the common methodology, the web tool and the identification of waste prevention best practices. ACR+ also acts as a communication manager for the project and is in charge of disseminating its results throughout its European network. In particular, ACR+ will have the chance to publicise the project's progress during the European Week for Waste Reduction, in which the network also plays a key role.

A website has been built both to provide the partners with a knowledge sharing platform and to publish the outputs of the project. Other dissemination tools include a Facebook page, a brochure and a leaflet.

Where are we now?

After three years of successful implementation, the Pre-waste project is coming to an end. Several experts meetings took place, hosted by the project partners, in Roquetas de Mar (Spain, October 2010), Brussels (Belgium, March 2011) and Karlskrona (Sweden, June 2011), Bucharest (Romania, October 2011), Sofia (Bulgaria, February 2012), Tampere (Finland, June 2012), Malta (October 2012), where the partners had the opportunity to agree on the waste prevention good practices the framework of indicators for the monitoring of waste prevention actions, the Pre-waste webtool to monitor waste prevention actions and the methodology to prepare and implement waste prevention strategies.

The Pre-waste final conference took place in Brussels on 7 November 2012 and gave the opportunity to present the project's outputs to more than 200 European experts.

Take a look at the presentations made during the conference.

The Pre-waste partnership

The 10 Project partners are public entities directly involved in the planning or in the implementation of waste management policies according to their competences: Marche Region – Project Leader (IT, ACR+ member; with the help of SVIM acting as Technical Secretariat), ACR+ – Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and for sustainable Resource management, ORDIF – Ile-de-France Region Waste Management Observatory (FR, ACR+ partner member), IBGE – Brussels Environment (BE, ACR+ member), Municipality of Roquetas de Mar (ES), Municipality of Sofia (BG, ACR+ member), Public Cooperation Department of Ilfov County (RO), Municipality of Karlskrona (SE), Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd (FI) and WasteServ Malta (MT, ACR+ member).


The Pre-waste project is co-funded by the INTERREG IV C programme of the European Commission.

Interreg IVC


What are the main benefits of prevention for local and regional authorities?

  • reducing their costs in terms of waste collection, treatment (recycling or incineration) and eventual disposal,
  • reducing energy consumption needed for the above mentioned operations,
  • reducing CO2 emissions and the release of other pollutant substances in the air, the water and the ground.

More information: Pre-waste project synthesis report and

Press releases:



Philippe Micheaux Naudet


As ACR+ is providing its expertise with Pre-waste, contributing to the development of tools for lowering the ecological footprint of public authorities, ACR+ has created a guide for setting up low environmental impact events.

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