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18 June 2013 Content

Bringing bio-waste back to life 


MINIWASTE-logoMiniwaste is a three-year European project (from 2010 to the beginning of 2013) aiming at demonstrating that it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of bio-waste at local level.

The project will in particular imply the gathering and sharing of good practices and case studies implemented by European local and regional authorities to reduce bio-waste (in particular through composting methods), implementing demonstration actions at different scales in France, Portugal and the Czech Republic, in order to reduce bio-waste in these areas, as well as developing and implementing monitoring procedures through a computerised tool to assess the quality and the quantity of the compost produced.

Miniwaste has ambitious targets, in particular to make 70% of the inhabitants of the demonstration areas 1) aware of the different ways of reducing organic waste,  or 2) participants in the demonstration actions or awareness raising events, for instance. It also aims to increase active participation of the population in reducing bio-waste, for instance by installing a high number of individual composter bins and collective composting sites before the end of the project.

Past Events

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ACR+'s role: expertise and dissemination


ACR+ has the responsibility of providing an inventory of good practices related to bio-waste prevention inside and outside the partnership. On this basis, the partners will implement demonstration actions to concretely reduce bio-waste in their area. The inventory report includes 10 fact sheets covering the following issues:

  1. Home composting - Italy (Piemonte)
  2. Home composting - UK (Kent)
  3. Home composting - Portugal (LIPOR)
  4. Home composting - France (Chambery)
  5. Community composting - Flanders
  6. Community composting - Switzerland (Zürich)
  7. Farm proximity composting - Austria (Freistadt)
  8. Fight against food waste - UK (WRAP)
  9. Closed Loop gardening - Flanders
  10. Reuse centers - Flanders


ACR+ is also in charge of information dissemination through a project newsletter, articles and regular mailing to partner’s contact and acts as webmaster for the Miniwaste website, in collaboration with the project leader. This website will in particular provide news and up-to-date information about the project and the partners, about which anyone interested can leave a comment: it is a collaborative process where every stakeholder can have his word.



Experts workshop in Brno - 13/09/2011

On 13 September, a technical workshop was held in Brno (Czech Republic), in order to share expertise about preventing and reusing bio-waste. This conference in particular addressed the issue of bio-waste management in the Czech Republic and in Europe. During the conference, experts from Rennes Metropole, Greater Porto area and Brno presented achievements in their respective cities. The conference also gave the opportunity to present the state of play regarding the monitoring and assessment of bio-waste prevention, and some good practices in relation to composting, and green and food waste prevention.

You can have a look at the programme.

How to get to Brno


Who else is involved in the project?

The Miniwaste partnership includes the local authorities of Rennes Métropole (France – project leader, ACR+ member), Brno (Czech Republic) and Lipor (urban area of Porto, Portugal, ACR+ member), together with ACR+ and Cemagref, a French composting research centre. Among other responsibilities, the three local authorities will be in charge of implementing demonstration actions in their area.

Miniwaste is co-funded by the LIFE+ programme of the European Commission.

More information:


Miniwaste website



Philippe Micheaux Naudet

Jean-Jacques Dohogne


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With the financial support of the European Commission

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